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Jardín Botánico Romney Manor, St. Kitts

Les comparto mi jardín preferido de St. Kitts. El jardín Romney Manor perteneció a Sam Jefferson un antepasado de Thomas Jefferson, el tercer Presidente de los Estados Unidos. En el siglo diecisiete, fue vendido al Earl Romney llamándolo Romney Manson. En 1834, la finca se convirtió en la primera plantación en liberar a todos sus esclavos.

Jardín Botánico Romney Manor, St. Kitts
Jardín Botánico Romney Manor, St. Kitts

Jardín Botánico

Parte de la finca, unos seis acres ahora se han convertido en espléndidos jardines botánicos, con plantas tropicales, un antiguo campanario y un árbol Samán de 400 años de antigüedad. Los guías están disponibles para ayudar a seleccionar los mejores senderos y compartir información sobre la diversidad ecológica de St. Kitts.

Jardín Botánico Romney Manor, St. Kitts
Jardín Botánico Romney Manor, St. Kitts
Romney Manor belonged to Sam Jefferson, an ancestor of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. In the seventeenth century, it was sold to Earl Romney calling it Romney Manson. In 1834, the estate became the first plantation to free all its slaves. Part of the estate, some six acres have now been converted into splendid botanical gardens, with tropical plants, an old bell tower and a 400-year-old Saman tree.
Romey Manor, St. Kitts
some six acres have now been converted into splendid botanical gardens, with tropical plants, an old bell tower and a 400-year-old Saman tree. Guides are available to help select the best trails and share information about the ecological diversity of St. Kitts.
Romey Manor, St. Kitts
400-year-old Saman tree
Saman Tree

Caribelle Batik

Romney Manor es el hogar de uno de los negocios locales más famosos de St. Kitts. Usando el método tradicional indonesio de tratar la tela con la cera los artesanos del Batik de Caribelle han estado creando telas por más de 30 años.

Artists can be seen demonstrating Batik's techniques and telling the history of art.
Caribelle Batik

Demostración de los Artesanos y Tienda

Durante la visita, se puede ver a los artistas demostrando las técnicas de Batik y contando la historia del arte. La cera se aplica a la tela y el tinte a las áreas sin cera. Esto se hace varias veces para crear increíbles diseños con colores hermosos. La fábrica emplea a tiempo completo a treinta y cinco empleados.

In the shop you can find magnificent products of bright colors such as: Batik fabrics, clothes, gifts, fans and accessories of all kinds.
Caribelle Batik Fabrics in the sun
Caribelle Batik Fabrics

En la tienda puede encontrar productos magníficos de colores brillantes como: telas de Caribelle, ropa, regalos, abanicos y accesorios de todo tipo. Es sorprendente que no hay dos piezas exactamente iguales.

He visitado este jardín en tres ocasiones. Es mi lugar preferido para comprar abanicos. Mi primera visita fue en 2011 y todavía tengo un abanico que compre como nuevo.

Cuéntanos en los comentarios si has visitado este jardín.


Romey Manor (botanical gardens)

Romney Manor belonged to Sam Jefferson, an ancestor of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. In the seventeenth century, it was sold to Earl Romney calling it Romney Manson. In 1834, the estate became the first plantation to free all its slaves.

Part of the estate, some six acres have now been converted into splendid botanical gardens, with tropical plants, an old bell tower and a 400-year-old Saman tree. Guides are available to help select the best trails and share information about the ecological diversity of St. Kitts.

Caribelle Batik

Romney Manor is home to one of St. Kitts' most famous local businesses. Using the traditional Indonesian method of treating the fabric with wax, the artisans of the Batik of Caribelle have been creating their clothes and tapestries for more than 30 years.

Demonstration of the Craftsmen and Shop

During the visit, artists can be seen demonstrating Batik's techniques and telling the history of art. Wax is applied to the fabric and dye to wax-free areas. This is done several times to create amazing designs with beautiful colors. Thirty-five employees are employed by the factory full-time.

In the shop you can find magnificent products of bright colors such as: Caribbean fabrics, clothes, gifts, fans and accessories of all kinds. It's amazing that no two pieces are exactly the same. I've visited this garden three times. It's my favorite place to buy fans. My first visit was in 2011 and is in excellent condition.

Tell us in the comments if you have visited this garden.

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